Fitness after New Years – Still Going Strong?

We are 12 days in. 12 Days after making New Year’s Resolutions, and, you might be struggling to make it. You have been good for a couple of days, but you might have fallen off the wagon.

personal trainer at Shape Up Fitness & Wellness Consulting helping a client

A trainer can help keeping you accountable

Reset Now

The key thing to success is not perfection. Perfection only happens in utopia. The real world is filled with appointments, surprises, accidents, and cookies…:-)

Know that success is not about being a 100% all the time but only 70-80% of the time. Falling off the wagon is not the end of the world.

Different ways to reset

Resetting is not always easy. Some actions can function as reset buttons. They are individually different. You will have to figure out what works for you. . Some “reset buttons” that work for me when I am in a funk, have fallen off the wagon are usually refocusing on what feels really good, taking care of myself:

  • Pampering yourself like a facial, pedicure, shower, etc.
  • A healthy meal
  • Hiking
  • A good run
  • Lifting weights
  • Cleaning my house
  • Cooking

Tools to stick with it

We do have busy lives and sometimes we just cannot seem to make the time for taking care of ourselves. Here are some resources that can help you stick with nutrition and workouts.

  • Food preparation services are great if you don’t like to cook, or don’t have the time for it. Even though they are not cheap it often offsets the costs of going out and spending money on eating out. Examples for food services are:
  • Cooking on the weekends: If you are struggling during the week then do it like I do. I prepare my protein portion of my meals on the weekends and throw a steamfresh bag of veggies into the microwave whenever I have lunch
  • Workout Buddies can be great. The problem is that if your workout partner struggles with being regular just like you do, then most likely you are discouraging each other from doing anything.
  • Personal trainers/coaches can be a great help in holding you accountable but also providing you with sound training advice. Good personal training services are not cheap but considering that you are going to be more successfully, it could be worth the investment.  If you are interested in our services go to:

Have an awesome workout!


Looking forward to helping you with your endeavors!




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