Safe training at Shape Up Fitness & Wellness Consulting

Do these two steps to decrease shoulder issues while benching!

My shoulder hurts, I cannot do that! My personal trainers and I hear this so many times. Most of the time we are able to fix the movement and are able to guide people to save and sound movement patterns that let’s them train hard and succeed with their goals. One common problem arising is…

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Personal Trainer Michael Anders running marathon

What I Learned From Quitting A Race

I am still processing this, I am probably still not quite right in the head (if I ever was). Today I ran the Myrtle Beach Marathon, or rather, I started, ran 20 miles and then quit at 20.36 miles. This blog post is as much for me as it is for you, since I am still…

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Functional Training at Shape Up Fitness & Wellness Consulting

5 Steps To Reduce Back Pain and Knee Pain

In short: Foam Rolling glutes, hamstrings & back can reduce adhesions in your back Stretching is not all that it claims to be in regards to back pain Your patella is not tracking badly, your glutes are not doing their job.  Hip stabilization & functional movement can reduce your pain Don’t load up dysfunction Foam…

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Suffering as part of Meaning

Hello everyone, I just read an interesting book: Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning“. Besides being a very deeply moving book about the experiences of a man in the concentration camp of Auschwitz, it is a book that gives food for thought. I have many times thought what is the meaning of my life, first as…

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