Single leg squats at personal training facility Shape Up Fitness & Wellness Consulting

Why Single Side Exercises Can Give You Nicer….

butt, arms, shoulders, back….you name it. If you are expecting a rant against bilateral exercises, go look somewhere else. If you are looking for an explanation why you should include unilateral exercises in your fitness routine then you should read on. I am so used to including these exercises into my personal training client’s training routines…

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Functional Training at Shape Up Fitness & Wellness Consulting

5 Steps To Reduce Back Pain and Knee Pain

In short: Foam Rolling glutes, hamstrings & back can reduce adhesions in your back Stretching is not all that it claims to be in regards to back pain Your patella is not tracking badly, your glutes are not doing their job.  Hip stabilization & functional movement can reduce your pain Don’t load up dysfunction Foam…

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